Baked Recipes,  Recipes

Homemade buttermilk biscuits and depending on the size… can also be called “cat head” biscuits. Yep! The biscuits are as big as a cat’s head. :0)

When I first got married I made biscuits regularly, but as time went by, I knew we didn’t need them as often as I was making them and quit making them except for special breakfast meals. Back “ in the day” I didn’t need to measure and could just look at it and know how much of what ingredient I needed, but when I started back, it took a few tries to get it back the way it was before, so I wrote it down. This biscuit is so good and I think you will like it too. The ingredients are:

5 cups of self rising flour

2 3/4 cups buttermilk

1 cup vegetable shortening (Crisco)

Preheat oven at 425 degrees

Work the shortening into the flour. I use my hands but you can use a fork or a dough cutter. Once worked together well, add buttermilk,

Add some flour to your hands and pick up the dough, about as big as you want the biscuit to be. Toss it pack and forth in your hands a few times to shape it and then put it in the pan. You can also flour a board and cut them out.

Once you have them all Made (will be 2 to 3 round cake pans, if that is what you use. How many you make depends on the size.) put them in the oven at 425 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

They are so delicious! Especially right out of the oven! Oh so Yummy!

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